Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Family Vacation

Beware.. this post has a lot of pictures. I tried to make it easier by doing some collages but it took a long time so they don't look great, sorry! And they go in order, for the most part.

These are some views we saw on the 12 hour drive to Vancouver. I love all the pretty clouds and lots and lots of cool trees. And I thought it was funny how all 7 of us had our own earphones in one time.

We went on a fun bike ride downtown in Portland to have a picnic, play at the waterfall and get breadsticks.

We had fun getting in their pool a few different times, even though it was freezing cold until you swam around for a while and got used to it.

For Father's Day, we all went on an awesome hike before church. It was raining but it was alright since it wasn't too hard and it was the only day it rained on our whole trip.

We did a pretty hard hike one day to the top of Moltnomah Falls, but it was totally worth it. Everything was so pretty with the trees surrounding you. It was awesome.

Todd took us boating and it was sweet because we had the whole lake to ourselves since it was a pretty cold day, and we could ride on the tube without getting super wet because it is so big and doesn't tip over. Only Griffy fell out (twice). Poor kid, I'm sure that water was freezing.

Our family went to the Rose Garden on our way to Cannon Beach. That place was so cool, it had so many roses. It was very pretty.

We had a picnic with a great view of the ocean and played on Indian beach for a while. It was fun to jump on the rocks since it was low tide. We found some cool stuff!

We also had a lot of fun playing in the sand and taking fun pictures.

We went over to Cannon Beach to take some picture... We like haystack rock. :)

We had some fun playing frisbee on the beach, having a fire one night, and getting in the water.

These are just some random photos. Eating at Mo's for dinner, feading the seagulls, our little house- which was a block away from the beach and the eyes.. can you tell which one is Kylee's and which one is mine??

We had a fun scavenger hunt at Cannon Beach, we ate elephant ears, and of course.. I got to talk to Brad a lot! :)

I got to go to Seattle for my first time.

We went to an awesome aquarium there that had octopus, otters, seals, a fish with a missing eye, and jelly fish. (I didn't take a picture of those there, but we did find a dead jelly fish in the sand at Cannon Beach) I had never seen any of those before so it was really fun, and totally worth the $14!

I spent the next 2 days, after my family left, hanging out with the Lake's before I started my nanny adventure. Sadly, I didn't take many pictures. But we did go on a fun 11 mile bike ride to get ice cream cones and play at the park, watched movies, got in the pool, played games and had fun.
Thank you Lake's for letting us stay in your awesome house and for all the fun adventures! You're the best!


Kristina Peterson said...

looks like you had so much fun! I love the pic collages. How did you do those?

Lee said...

Great job Jess! I'm so glad you figured out how to post picts, since I'll be wanting to see a lot of you now that you're so far away! You did a great job re-capping our fun vacation.

Kylee said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad you have internet and can post pictures! I can't wait to see pictures of where you are now. Hurry and post those!! :)

Annie said...

You are doing a great job! Glad you had fun in Oregon. Miss you.

Lindsey said...

I love how all 3 of your girls have different photos to display...good job! I am loving the bangs on you. And I love the photo of your eye and Kylee's eye, clever ;)

Stacey said...

Great post! I'm glad I get to see your beach house accomodations. Looks really magnificent. Thoese girls will look adorable with french braids and all your girly hair dos! Just go for it.