Monday, June 3, 2013


My friend who is out here in Texas decided to drive home for a couple days to work on their house they are building. She offered to take me with her, and of course I said yes! That happened on a Friday and we drove home on Sunday. Since it was such late notice, I decided not to tell anyone so I could surprise them all! It was such a fun trip and even though I was really bummed it was the week right after Jake left for his mission, I was glad I could be there to help cheer up my mom a little! We left Lubbock at 6am and arrived in Cache Valley at 11pm. Mindi's parents had come to Texas for a visit, so we were able to follow them home. It was a long car ride, but Mindi's girls were so good in the car. I decided to spend the night with them that night since I figured my parents were already asleep. 

Here is how our week was like...
MONDAY: We went to see Mindi's new house. I had asked my mom earlier if she could take my temple clothes to Mindi's sister (who is coming out for the summer) since they do not rent clothes in the Lubbock temple. After being out at Gary's for a Memorial Day breakfast, my parents drove to Wellsville to 'drop my temple clothes off'. My mom came up to the door, and I answered! She was so shocked, surprised and happy! I went with them to their storage unit to clean it out a bit, then went grocery shopping with my mom. As we were bringing the grocery's inside, Mikell drove by and saw me-- not exactly how I was planning on surprising her, but it was fun to see and talk to her and baby Paizley. When Cam got home, I hid in the laundry room and surprised him. We invited the Bundy's over for a BBQ and I surprised them as well! Mom, Lindsey, Emma, Lydia and I got in the hot tub after our BBQ.

TUESDAY: I went to Leinani's zumba class with my mom and surprised her! After class, she said that her boys were downstairs at kids club and asked if I could possibly take them home so she could go to an appointment. I loved seeing those cute faces.  I went to lunch with Mikell at Hu Hot. I had never been there before and it was delicious! We got the s'mores that were so good too.    We went to Hobby Lobby after to buy some fabric for a carseat cover I made for Paizley that night. Then mom and I watched Bachelorette.

WEDNESDAY: Mom and I went on a walk, then while she was at work, I ran a couple errands. Then I picked up Kalani and Micah to go to the movie 'the Croods'. It was such a cute movie. Mom and I watched So You Think You Can Dance and then got in the hot tub.

THURSDAY: I went to Tori's zumba class with my mom and then we went on a hike with Lindsey up Hyde Park canyon. It was so beautiful up there! Then I went to lunch at Rumbi Grill with Mom, Lindsey, Lydia, Annie and Grandma. Mom and I went to Twizlberry- our favorite and then to Old Navy, TJ Maxx and Bella Me to buy some birthday clothes. I played with Lydia outside for a bit, and then went to visit the Hess' while my parents went to Cam's baseball banquet.

FRIDAY: I babysat the Jenkin kids from 8:45-12:15 and took them all to the park. Then I went to Firehouse for lunch with Grandma Freda, Mom and Cam. Then I went to Mikell's to give her the carseat cover and to visit for a bit, and then went to my friend, Kelsey's, to visit her and baby Jett.  After dinner Mom, Dad, Cam and I rode our bikes (Cam rode the scooter) to Aggie ice-cream. My friend, Lindsey, and her little boy, Spencer, were there so it was fun to see them!

Mom and Dad took me back to Wellsville on Friday night so I could spend the night there. We followed Mindi's sister and her husband back to Texas and got there after midnight. It was such a fun, short trip but I was happy to be back in Texas with Brad! 


Kylee said...

I'm glad you were able to go home and surprise everyone! That sounds like a really fun trip! But, wow that's a lot of driving!! Good for you :) I don't think I would have said yes, even if it WAS free. A free flight for sure! But a 17 hour car ride, blah. It DOES look like it was pretty worth it though! Glad I got to see all the pictures.

Lee said...

Great job detailing all the fun things we did. I'm so happy you were willing to endure a 17 hour car ride twice in less than a week to come and be with us. It really meant a lot to me.

Lindsey said...

It was so fun to see you for a splash of a second. It's funny that your blog posts have more kids in them than adults. It's long as my kids are some of the ones featured :)