Sunday, June 16, 2013


We went to the science museum again so the kids could play. This time we went over and played in the bubbles as well. That is such a cute and fun place!!

One night, we had a really bad rain storm. It took out the power for over 5 hours. Luckily this all happened after Brad was already home, so we only had to live with the power out for about an hour or two before we went to bed. But unfortunately since the power had been out for so long, the fire alarm went off at 3am and didn't stop for about 30 minutes. It was quite the night!

 Can't do a blog post without posting about Bahama Bucks right?? Sure love this girl!

We went to dinner with all the other wives last Saturday to a burger place called Sparky's. Since it was so close to our apartments, we just decided to walk over!
 The girls wanted to 'swing' the whole way.. ;)

We walked around the temple after church again. I absolutely love that our church and the temple are in the same parking lot!

At the store they had this little room with mirrors on three sides, so the girls had fun playing and dancing in there.

For my birthday, my friends and I walked to Firehouse Subs for lunch, then went to Spoonful (a frozen yogurt place) that was next door.

 Brad came home early to take me to dinner. We went to Outback, and I got a free ice-cream sundae for my birthday. Then we went back to the apartments and had cake with our friends. It was a great birthday and I'm so grateful for everyone who made it a great one!


Lee said...

Everything looks like so much fun- I'm glad you're having fun relaxing and enjoying your summer. Yay for birthdays, but boo that we were apart for ours. . .

Kylee said...

You look so cute in your birthday pics! I love that outfit. I'm glad you had a good day! I need to try Firehouse Subs, now that I've heard from you that it's really good. I love seeing what you are doing there, it looks like it's been a fun summer so far!

Lindsey said...

Hip Hip hooray!!! Happy birthday! Your birthday outfit is a-dor-able! Love all the fun ways you are filling your time. Especially the Bahama Bucks, glad you know to live that aspect up :)

Annie said...

What would I do without your blog to keep up on your wonderful summer? Just hearing about it from your mom wouldn't fill the void! Keep having fun. Hope you have a couple great thunderstorms before you leave :)