Saturday, November 24, 2012

Life as a Peruvian

We went to Huanchaco again, this time to surf. Derek and Brad surfed and Dani and I boogie boarded. Brad had never done either one before and even though neither one of us caught any waves, it was still way fun and totally worth it. It only cost us 15 soles for the wet suits and the boards for however long we wanted. Plus they had a place to lock up all our stuff so it didn't get stolen. The part that we hated the most was that the water was shallow for a ways out and there were big rocks instead of sand so it hurt our feet since we didn't have water shoes. 
After surfing, we went to the shops, ate muffins (with jelly in them- wasn't expecting that), took a nap on the beach and ate at My Friend. 
Just some more Peruvian food!
The money here in Peru- 1 sole= 40 cents.
This is no Thanksgiving meal.. but I did get my mashed potatoes from KFC so I was happy!

Derek and Brad had to do some visits with the people they have been teaching to make sure it's a good place to put their business. Dani and I tagged along to a few of them. The first was to a guy named Luis. We had to take a motor-taxi to get to his house. It was basically half a motorcycle with a little carriage on the back of it. His roof is made of reeds and branches and he has cement floors. They have 2 rooms in their house, one is the living room and the bedroom separated with a curtain. The other is a kitchen and another bedroom. While we were talking to him, a rooster and some chicken walked out into the room. It was very interesting to see the difference in culture. He wants the loan to put a mini market in their living room. 
The next place was Irma. She had invited us over on Thanksgiving to have a turkey sandwich but then had to cancel so we did it the next day. We had to take a 2.5 hour bus ride to get out to her parents place. They grow and sell pineapples there. We had to hike up this little mountain to get to the fields of pineapples but it was cool to see how they all grow. They pick the pineapples every 2-4 weeks. They also grow a few other things including avocados, and papaya. They also own a small car washing place next door, so that tank of (dirty) water is where they get the water to wash the cars. Irma wants the loan to do some construction so that they can have a mini market in their house. 

We then went with Irma to eat lunch. I had a chicken foot in my soup that grossed me out just a little. 
 The last place we went was to Hipolito's. He lives out in the sand dunes and wants the loan to start up a chicken restaurant- which will be in that room with the tables and chairs. He already owns an arcade business (which the boys had fun playing). They had just bought a new puppy that Dani and I quickly made friends with. He was so darn cute, even with missing eye. 


Jord said...

What an amazing experience Jessica! I'm so glad you and Brad are back together and having this adventure. I love your descriptions of the food, the crazy driving, and the church.

Lee said...

I'm glad you got to go surfing! You all look so cool! I'm very disturbed about that chicken foot in your soup! Was it meant to be eaten? Yikes! Did the lady see you taking a picture of it? I hope she wasn't offended. . . I always get so excited when I see a new post from you because I don't know everything you're doing and so it's fun to see and hear what's been happening. Keep em coming!

Lindsey said...

That chicken foot!! Siiick! But what a great experience for you to see how the rest of the world lives. Don't our lives in little Logan Utah just feel so normal? It's so great to be able to get outside of what we consider normal and go experience somebody else's normal. That puppy with the missing eye is disturbing to me, I think more than the chicken foot. I love the nap on the beach and the surf boards and such. So glad you guys have another couple down there to create all these memories with.

Annie said...

Jessie, I wish you had come on my vacation to take pictures because you are so talented at it and have the "eye" to see unusual shots and interesting things. I am so proud of you for the way you have journal-ed your trip for us. Can't wait to hear about the grand finale of your trip and see you safe back at home.

Vonnie said...

Rick and I have enjoyed your Peruvian adventure. Since he served his mission there, he loves seeing all the sights and remembering how things are in that wonderful country full of the best people on earth. Thanks for sharing! It's time to come home now!