Sunday, March 11, 2012

Brad's Birthday

I'm so embarrassed that this post is so late. But Brad turned 25 on February 27!! The day before, we went to my parents for dinner, presents and games. Then on his actual birthday, I took him to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, and then home for a scavenger hunt. I sent him all around the house with clues and presents along the way. On each clue, there was a reason why I love him. There were 25 clues. All he wanted for his birthday was a Sunto Watch, so that's what he got. (He is wearing it in the second picture.) I also got him a few other little things, so it wouldn't be so boring. 

 It was not hard to come up with 25 reasons why I love Brad so much. He is such an easy person to get along with and I am so happy I chose to marry him. He brings me much happiness every day, comforts me when I'm sad, and supports me in every possible way. He is a hard worker, has an awesome testimony, loves his family, has a good sense of humor, and is so good with kids. I love that we have so many similar interests and that we can do so many things together. Happy late Birthday Brad. I love you so much, and could not have asked for a better companion in life!


Kylee said...

Awww how fun! Scavenger hunts are the best. It sounds like he had a great day. His watch looks awesome, I hope he likes it as much as Brody likes his.

Zane and Cami said...

Jess you are seriously such a good wife. I'm glad Zane doesn't read these blogs or he would realize how lame I am for not doing more stuff like this. You rock. Happy Birthday Brad!

Lindsey said...

Seriously! Isn't Brad just the best? He's such a cool cat. I wish we saw more of you guys. We need to hang out more before you leave in the next month or so :/

Annie said...

And to top it all off, he is hunky!

Lee said...

You are a good wifey. I'm glad you could make Brad's day so fun, and I'm glad we could help make the day before fun too!