Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Easter/Arizona/Family Pictures

I know many of you are dying to hear and see pictures from Texas, but I need to do a quick catch-up first.

We had a fun filled Easter. The Saturday before we spent the day babysitting until their parents came home Sunday afternoon. We took them to church with us, which was a handful, but fun. That night, we had a progressive dinner with the Skeen's, Searle's, Bundy's, Peterson's and Erikson's. We started at my parents with an appetizer and a dice game. Then we headed out to Carol's preschool class (since she had baby chicks) and had the main dinner and a few fun games. Finally out the the Skeen's for dessert, easter egg hunt and the Royal Egg Joust. It was a great day!  

We had a fun few days in Arizona a few weeks ago. It was the weekend right before finals, so it was nice to be able to take a little break from school before studying our brains out, and to get out of the silly Logan weather. We stopped in Ogden to watch Cam's baseball game before making our 8pm flight. Friday morning was Brody's graduation, then we went to lunch and to the movie, Soul Surfer. The girls went shopping after at Charming Charlie's and then to a Diamondback's game and Ky & Brod's for cake and ice cream after. On Saturday Kylee came with us to go to Mesa while Brody stayed home with his family. We went to the Mesa temple first. I always love going to new temples and that one was especially cool since I was born in Mesa. We coincidentally ran into Jordan and Jake on our way in as they were on their way out, so that was fun! We did sealings, which I had never done. We visiting the Frost's and the Hoffman's afterwards and then went to Tia Rosa's with Paul and DeNae. It was a short trip, but definitely worth it!

We were able to all get together one last time before everyone left for the summer to take some family pictures. I think they turned out pretty good-- good job Stacie!

The 4 couples.. haha well thats how the boys feel anyways.

I love my siblings

Some family favorites


Zane and Cami said...

Love the way you put together your pics, and SERIOUSLY can't wait to see how Texas is!!

Annie said...

Looking forward to a report about Texas. I love Texans so hard!

Kylee said...

Great update! I love your editing on the family pictures. I did the basic stuff, just making the colors look more vibrant, but I forgot to do all the cool stuff. I'll have to go back and do that. It was SO fun having you guys come out to AZ for Brody's graduation. Did I ever thank you for that? Well, thanks! Especially since it was such a short trip for you, during a busy time in your life AND the graduation ceremony was so long. But we loved having you guys there! Can't wait to hear/see about Texas!

Lee said...

Yay! A post from you. I can't wait to see and hear more about Texas too! You do a great job w/ your collages and editing. You didn't say who you babysat for Easter weekend (although I already know). I don't know how all your families you babysit for will survive w/o you for 3 months!