Saturday, March 19, 2011

St. Patty's

On Thursday night, we invited a bunch of friends over to my parents house for the USU game and everyone brought green treats since it was also St. Patrick's Day. We had sprite & green sherbet, green caramel popcorn, green cookies, Mt. Dew, and yellow oreos (since green could not be found anywhere). We were all very sad when USU lost by just about five points. If they would have played like they were in the last ten minutes of the game, they could have won. We had to bring out all of the love sacks so that everybody would have a seat, and there still was not enough room, since two more showed up after this picture. I was pretty excited when I found my green and navy shirt- perfect for the 
Aggie game and for St. Patrick's Day. 

We went to Crystal Hot Springs Last night. I would suggest to everyone not to go there on a friday night. It was very crowded. But we still had fun. Until we were on our way home... Flat Tire! There was not much room on the side of the road to pull over, so luckily it was on the right side of the car so that the boys were not in the middle of the road trying to fix it. What a handy boy I have. I am glad he knew what he was doing! A guy stopped to help us, and he was so nice- he even looked like Santa Clause. :)
I couldn't stand not putting this picture up. Look at that beauty! This is at my parents house. They get so much more snow then we do. I'm a little sad it is all disappearing, but I am so excited for it to start warming up! 
And of course I couldn't do a post without posting a picture of a baby! :) This you have to watch. It almost made me cry. It is hilarious! 


Kylee said...

Hahaha that video is hilarious!! And I love that party you had, it looks like a lot of fun! We came to Tucson yesterday (friday) so I was wishing that the USU game was Friday or Saturday instead of Thursday so we could have gone to it. Oh well. Love the updates!! Keep them coming.

Lee said...

That baby video is sooo funny. I love it. Maybe that should be a tradition of yours- to always have some part of your posts to do w/ something baby. . . haha- I'm sad that beautiful snow is gone, but am happy it's warming up too.

p.s. to ky- you should have gone to the BYU game today!

Lee said...

disreguard that p.s. byu is in Denver. duh!

Annie said...

What a nice mother you have to let you have that many people in her house. You hosted it so well with the colorful treats and good seating for all!

Lindsey said...

I'm so glad you guys are doing a lot of things with friends. That phase doesn't last forever, so seriously live it up as much as possible!

Lindsey said...

I just watched that baby video, that is SO darling!! I also want the blog of Hazel's mom's photography. Please :)