Kylee and Brody wanted to go skiing in Colorado while they were living there, so Brad and I agreed to drive out there to watch Evan so they could go. We drove to Fort Collins on Saturday and spent the night there. Then on Sunday, we drove with the Hatches to Steamboat Springs, CO. We spent the day exploring a little, and playing games in our hotel. Kylee and Brody went skiing on Monday, while we stayed at the hotel to watch Evan. He is such a cute, happy little dude and we had so much fun with him! We went out to eat, and played many rounds of rook and hearts, and just enjoyed the cool city before leaving on Tuesday morning. We hung out at the Hatches that night, then headed home the next morning.

Von invited all her sisters and nieces to join in on her 60th birthday celebration. My mom's cousin offered us their beautiful (second) home in Provo for the weekend and it was fabulous! We had a great time going out to eat, going to the art museum, making a craft, going for walks, going shopping and spending time together. Rick joined us the last day and treated us all to a yummy lunch at a Thai Drift place.
It was time for me to get in another wreck. They seem to happen to me about every two years. I was on my way to nanny in Smithfield and got in the turning lane to turn left onto their street and was waiting for the cars coming the opposite direction. The lady coming from the other side of the street, coming onto main street was going to wait in the turning lane as well and apparently she didn't see me. Luckily happened about two weeks before we left for the summer and it was able to get fixed before we needed to leave.
Kylee and Evan came for a visit the week of Spring Break. It was so fun having them around and we did some fun things while they were here including feeding the ducks, dinner with Gma and Gpa Weyerts, jumped on the tramp, went on a hike, attended women's conference, and played card games.
The Bundy's and Densley's came over on Sunday and it was so fun to see Evan and Shep together. They just so happened to be in matching outfits!